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CyLab's Alessandro Acquisti __ Co-Authors Release 7 Year Study on Evolution of Facebook Privacy and Disclosure
/news_events/news/2013/acquisti-7-year-study-facebook-privacy.htmlIn his latest study on Facebook, Acquisti, together with co-authors Gross and Stutzman, focuses on "the tension between privacy choices as expressions of individual subjective preferences, and the role of the environment in shaping those choices."
CyLab Researchers Virgil Gligor and David Brumley Receive Honors
/news_events/news/2013/gligor-and-brumley-receive-honors.htmlCyLab Director Virgil Gligor has been selected to receive the 2013 IEEE Technical Achievement Award. CyLab researcher David Brumley is one of four Carnegie Mellon University faculty members awarded a prestigious 2013 Sloan Research Fellowship.
CMU Privacy Day Highlights Challenges and Showcases Research
/news_events/news/2013/privacy-day-highlights-challenges.htmlData Privacy Day is an effort to empower people to protect their privacy and control their digital footprint and escalate the protection of privacy and data as everyone’s priority.

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Those meters that rate password strength work, until they don't - June 11, 2013
"Passwords are not going to disappear overnight, or in the next 10 years or 20 years," said Lujo Bauer, researcher at Carnegie Mellon CyLab. Bauer and colleagues at Carnegie Mellon conducted the study with 2,931 subjects who created passwords on sites using one of 14 types of meters with different displays and criteria for determining strength.

Limiting Risks Found in the Cloud - June 10, 2013
"We're hoping that the cloud service providers understand insider threat," Carnegie Mellon CyLab researcher Dawn Cappelli says. "We have recommendations that we provide for organizations for what they should do to protect themselves against rogue administrators and to protect themselves against theft of intellectual property. Our hope is that cloud service providers understand that as well."

“Hallucinating” a face, new software could have ID’d Boston bomber - May 29, 2013
Dr. Marios Savvides, the director of the CyLab Biometrics Center, said that the new technology could generate results much more detailed than those made by traditional image enhancement approaches. "The traditional methods yield about a 2 times to 4 times improvement" in the resolution of a facial image, he said. "This method gets us 16 times the resolution."

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