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Implementing PIPEDA: A Review of Internet Privacy Statements and Online Practices

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Andrew Clement PDF Print E-mail
Tuesday, 25 January 2005
Professor Clement joined the Faculty of Information Studies in 1989 after teaching computer science at York University for five years. His research interests are in the social implications of information technology and human-centred systems development. Current Research focuses on public interest information policies for guiding the development of Canada's information infrastructure.

He is co-editor of three books The Information Society: Evolving Landscapes (Springer Verlag, 1990), Information System, Work and Organization Design (North-Holland, 1991), and NetWORKING: Connecting Workers in and Between Organizations (North-Holland, 1994). Recent articles have appeared in Communications of the ACM, Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW), Information Technology and People, AI __ Society, and Information, Communication and Society (iCS). Prof. Clement is the Coordinator of the Information Policy Research Program, and Principal Investigator of several SSHRC funded projects, including Digital Identity Constructions.  He is also the Director of the Collaborative Graduate Program in Knowledge Media Design.
Last Updated ( Friday, 28 January 2005 )
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