
Privacy Project
Implementing PIPEDA: A Review of Internet Privacy Statements and Online Practices

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Project Team Members Biographies

The PIPEDA project team is made up faculty and students from the Univsersity of Toronto's Faculty of Law and Faculty of Information Studies.  Click on one of the team member's link below for more information.

Rajen Akalu

Rajen Akalu is the lab manager for the BUL Innovation Law and Policy Lab. Rajen is responsible for the formulation and implementation strategies associated with the lab. Mr. Akalu represents the law lab to various stakeholder groups such as the legal profession, policy makers, government officials and donors.

Andrew Clement
Professor Clement joined the Faculty of Information Studies in 1989 after teaching computer science at York University for five years. His research interests are in the social implications of information technology and human-centred systems development. Current Research focuses on public interest information policies for guiding the development of Canada's information infrastructure.

Sooin Kim
Sooin Kim joined the University of Toronto law school as the Centre for Innovation Law __ Policy Librarian/Administrator in April of 2003. She has over three years experience as a Reference Librarian at the law firm of Fasken Martineau, where she provided customized legal reference and research services, orientation and legal research training, and developed extensive web-based resources and specialized legislation databases. Sooin received a Master of Information Studies degree at the Faculty of Information Studies, University of Toronto in 2000. She also has an administrative background as Operations Manager for a real estate consulting firm where she managed several sales offices, conducted market research and organized events to market the firm to client groups.
Aniz Alani
Aniz Alani is a second year student in the J.D. program at the Faculty of Law. Aniz is particularly interested in the interjurisdictional issues presented by Canadian private sector privacy legislation.
Barbara Bressolles
Barbara Bressolles is a recent graduate of the University of Toronto LL.M. program.  Her research interests lie in consumer protection in the online environment, particularly online contracting and Internet privacy issues.  Her LL.M. thesis examined ways in which contract law may accommodate unexpected transactions concluded through the use of autonomous software agents.  Barbara holds a B.A. (Education) and an LL.B. (Hons) from the University of Auckland, New Zealand, and is admitted to practice law in New Zealand.

Lisa Austin
Lisa Austin is currently Assistant Professor at the University of Toronto, Faculty of Law. Her research interests include privacy issues, property law and the social implications of technology.
She is also completing her Ph.D. in Philosophy at the University of Toronto, working in the area of philosophy of technology. Prior to resuming her doctoral work, she served as a Law Clerk to Mr. Justice Frank Iacobucci of the Supreme Court of Canada (1998-1999).
Nadia Caidi
Nadia Caidi is currently Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Information Studies. Her research interests include information policy and social/community informatics. One of her current research projects on "Framing 'Information' and 'Access' Post 9/11" has been awarded a three-year grant (2004-2007) from SSHRC. Recent publications have appeared in "The Information Society Journal", "Library Quarterly" and "Library and Information Science Research". Dr. Caidi holds a Masters in Communications from the University Grenoble 3 (France) and a MLIS and Ph.D. in Information Studies from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA).
Dave Ley

Dave is a 1st year graduate student in the Faculty of Information Studies' Master of Information Studies program (MISt). Dave has a Bachelor of Computer Science from Dalhousie University.  Prior to coming to the University of Toronto, he worked as a software programmer for several years. Most recently, he spent six months in the Republic of Ghana (West Africa), helping the justice system in that country build a database to improve the collection of judicial statistics.

Robert Luke, Ph.D.
Robert is a researcher with the Adaptive Technology Resource Centre/Resource Centre for Academic Technology, University of Toronto, and a member of the University of Toronto's Knowledge Media Design Institute. His research focuses on community informatics and the design of ICT systems that enhance community social, economic, and political development.
Sapna Mahboobani
Sapna Mahboobani has a Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science from the University of Bombay, and has worked as a software consultant in the US. She is currently a first year graduate student at the Faculty of Information Studies at the University of Toronto. She will be pursuing the joint MISt/JD degree with the Faculty of Information Studies and the Faculty of Law.
Andrea Slane
Andrea Slane B.A. (High Honours) (Rutgers) 1986, PhD (Comparative Literature) (UCSD) 1995, J.D. (Honours) (Toronto) 2003, is a visiting fellow at the Centre for Innovation Law and Policy. Her current projects examines legal approaches to unsolicited bulk email (spam) and child luring on the Internet, with regard to how implemented and proposed solutions adhere to varying conceptions of democracy.  


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